Thank You!

The Interchapter ended with two noteworthy events: a lively sharing of this experience of grace among the participants and the final address of Sr. M. Antonieta Bruscato, which was also transmitted by videoconference.

The sharing session was like a fresco of the past 20 days, depicting our Interchapter journey in a rainbow of colors and revealing that consensus can be reached and goals achieved when everything is well coordinated. This was our concrete experience during the Interchapter, thanks also to the climate of trust, freedom and listening that reigned among us.

Even though we are still “beginners” when it comes to today’s latest technologies, we rejoiced to see how these new instruments have expanded our borders, allowing our sisters in every part of the world to watch and hear the Superior General deliver her concluding address in real time. Even now, her encouraging words continue to echo in our hearts:

Dearest Sisters, our “saints” offer us a vibrant witness of what it means to be imbued with the explosive power of the Word. In times no less difficult than our own, these Paulines “hoped against all hope” because they were firmly anchored in the promise made to us all-a promise the Master has never failed to keep: “Do not be afraid. I am with you-with your Family, which I willed, which is mine, which I nourish and of which I am a part, as its head. Do not waver, even if there are many difficulties!” (AD 152, 156)

With this final news flash, we say goodbye to you. Let us all continue to pray for one another, asking the Lord to give us the faith of Maestra Thecla so that, in keeping with her example, we too will entrust ourselves entirely to him, placing ourselves in his hands so as to carry out the service of proclaiming the Gospel.

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