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Thank You!

The Interchapter ended with two noteworthy events: a lively sharing of this experience of grace among the participants and the final address of Sr. M. Antonieta Bruscato, which was also transmitted by videoconference. The sharing session was like a fresco of the past 20 days, depicting our Interchapter journey in a rainbow of colors and […]

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Conclusione di sr. M. Antonieta Bruscato

Eccoci arrivate, sorelle carissime, alla conclusione dell’Intercapitolo, questo appuntamento istituzionale racchiuso, per un dono “gentile” del nostro Signore, tra due date particolarmente care al nostro cuore: l’anniversario della morte di Maestra Tecla e quello della sua nascita. Più di due settimane vissute intensamente tra preghiera, ricerca, studio, confronto, condivisione, fraternità, comunione! Giorni belli, aperti alla […]

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Redesigning the Apostolate

Today’s workshop, on the theme of redesigning the apostolate (the object of our upcoming continental meetings for the apostolate-administration) kept us busy all day long. “Revision of the apostolate in the light of our charism” is one of the areas that our 9th General Chapter invited us to improve, in keeping with the directives set […]

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