Eccoci arrivate, sorelle carissime, alla conclusione dell’Intercapitolo, questo appuntamento istituzionale racchiuso, per un dono “gentile” del nostro Signore, tra due date particolarmente care al nostro cuore: l’anniversario della morte di Maestra Tecla e quello della sua nascita. Più di due settimane vissute intensamente tra preghiera, ricerca, studio, confronto, condivisione, fraternità, comunione! Giorni belli, aperti alla […]
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The Church: decline or purification? – Bartolomeo Sorge, sj
Faced with a notable drop in religious practice, the drastic decline of vocations, open disagreement with the Magisterium, and transgressions regarding Church law, many people today are speaking about the “decline” of the Church. Instead, I am convinced that what we are dealing with is not a decline but rather a purification. In other words, […]
ContinuaMore TagImbued with the Word, we trace out paths of hope – Bartolomeo Sorge, sj
“The question of hope,” Benedict XVI wrote, “is truly central to our lives as human beings and our mission as Christians, especially in these times.”[1] Today, it is precisely hope that is in crisis. The Pope dedicated a beautiful encyclical to this subject (Spes Salvi, 2007).[2] On 13 December 2007, speaking to university students in […]
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– Domenico Pompili Inhabit/Imbue* “To inhabit” is a typically human act. Only human beings “inhabit” a place. As Ivan Illich wrote: “In many languages, ‘to inhabit’ is synonymous with ‘to live.’ To ask a person, ‘Where do you live?’ means asking where it is that an individual’s daily existence shapes the world. Tell me how […]
ContinuaMore TagHomily of Fr. Silvio Sassi, SSP Superior General
Homily of Fr. Silvio Sassi, during the Eucharistic Celebration in Memory of Sr. Thecla Merlo First Superior General and Co-Foundress of the Daughters of St. Paul As an assembly gathered together by the Spirit in the name of Christ to the glory of the Father, we have in common the same Baptism. Today there are […]
ContinuaMore TagIntroduction, Sr. Maria Antonieta Bruscato, Superior General
Dearest sisters, with great joy I open the work of this important Interchapter Assembly, that falls at the central moment of our six year mandate in government and at the heart of the journey of redesigning, which began in this house in January, two years ago. In this hall, dedicated to Blessed Alberione, we will spend […]
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