Introduction, Sr. Maria Antonieta Bruscato, Superior General

Dearest sisters, with great joy I open the work of this important Interchapter Assembly, that falls at the central moment of our six year mandate in government and at the heart of the journey of redesigning, which began in this house in January, two years ago.
In this hall, dedicated to Blessed Alberione, we will spend some days together. There will be time for listening, study, reflection, evaluation, verification, relaunching, but also time for prayer and “contemplation” of the new paths that the Spirit intends to open, with us, through His Word. A precious time, “blessed”, of which one can be profoundly grateful to the Lord.
On May 15, 1961, introducing an extraordinary course of Spiritual Exercises, our Founder thus exhorted the Daughter of St. Paul:
…immediately thank Jesus who awaited you and welcomes you here. He has deigned to admit us into His divine presence; [therefore] let us place ourselves at his feet [saying]: “Speak, O Lord, for your servant is listening” (1Sam 3:9). Thank Mary Queen of Apostles who in these days, we can say, even more than ever, will intercede for us. In the same way, thank St. Paul, our teacher and father: how many things he is aware of that you have done well and how many things can still improve. Thank the Lord (FSP-SdC, p1).
And Maestra Thecla, who today we remember with particular filial attention, in concluding the Circular in which she offered information on the new juridical configuration of the Congregation divided into provinces and regional delegations, she wrote:
Let us thank the Lord for this new step that will be happening in our Congregation. I am sure that all of you are disposed to profit from this, in humble docility and generosity for the good that will come about both for the members and the entire Congregation (VPC 230).
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